Across the waters to Bruny Island, Tasmania
With only half a day left in Tasmania, we were determined to make the most of it.…
The Great Eastern Road Trip to Freycinet National Park, Tasmania
Stunning nature, vibrant night skies and an affinity with the universe. These are just some of the things you’ll experience if you embark on the Great Eastern Road Trip in Tasmania.
A chill Saturday in Hobart, Tasmania
I remember back in the day I had this perception of Tasmania being a cold and dreary place populated by sheep. Perhaps I thought of it as a poor man’s New Zealand… but boy, was I wrong!
How to travel the world in 8 steps
If you so badly want to travel; or if you look at other people who travel and think to yourself that they’re so lucky; or if you just assume that travel is for rich people… well, I’m writing this post to debunk your beliefs.
I left my heart in Stockholm
Stockholm in the middle of winter. The bitumen is covered in grey slush and the cobblestone streets varnished with unsuspecting ice. The flecks of snow that fall gently from the overcast sky disappears into droplets of water on concrete walls, ending their short-lived life.
Snö i Skellefteå - Photos from the north of Sweden
Skellefteå, Sweden. The little municipality of 72,000 located in the North of Sweden is a peaceful retreat from the bustle of big cities. I’ve never noticed the little details before, but Skellefteå made me stop and actually appreciate the small things in life.
10 Hidden gems of Europe
Unleash your inner wanderlust and thirst for adventure by being a bit a travel hipster. You’ll be the envy of all your Instagram followers when you post photos of your uniquely breathtaking European trip.
Christmas in Sweden
Christmas in Sweden is like no other. The sun rises between the hours of 9 and 10, catching the crystals of ice that is sprinkled across deep inches of snow.
The last day in Lausanne, Switzerland
Sometimes I think about the fact that I’ll probably never ride the M1 metro from Bourdonnette to Flon again. I think about how if I ever do visit Lausanne again, it will be as a tourist rather than a student or resident.
Hello Helsinki
I’ve never really had the urge to go to Finland- it’s always been the last on my list of favourable Scandinavian/Nordic countries, so I didn’t have much of a high expectation.
The Black Forest: Exploring Germany’s magical nature
A little trip to The Black Forest, Germany to explore the magical nature.
Svensk snö
My time in Sweden was really nice. It started snowing as I got there, and I was not prepared for how cold it would be.
The Swissters Road Trip
This year I met a handful of awesome people that- I wouldn’t exactly say “changed my life”, but definitely had an impact on it, that’s for sure. These girls, I call them my SWISSTERS. Because we’re all in Swiss together…
Oh hey, it’s Toblerone Mountain aka The Matterhorn
A little day trip to Zermatt, Switzerland to see the infamous Matterhorn aka Toblerone mountain.
The Rhine Falls, Switzerland
Located in the German speaking region of Switzerland and right next to the Swiss/German border is Rhine Falls - the biggest plain waterfall in Europe.
Norway, my happy place
Now is a perfect opportunity for me to write about my Norway trip. I haven’t been able to find it in me to sit down and try to capture the experience and beauty of Norway. My words fail me and I don’t think I can ever do it justice.
The European Summer
My parents visited me in Europe for a summer of travelling! Destinations include Switzerland, Italy, Germany, France, United Kingdom and Sweden.
The hectic hike in Creux-du-Van, Switzerland
My near-death experience hiking Creux-du-Van. The hiking track is approximately 5 hours long and is listed as “difficult”. It started off all well and good, but…
A glide and a hike in Interlaken, Switzerland
Being in the air is thrilling. I’m not much of an adrenaline junkie, although to be fair, paragliding isn’t the most heart-stopping activity. Still, this was very high on my to-do list for this year and the lead up to it really had my hands all clammy.
Burn baby, Bern
In German, Bern means bear, and apparently there are bears in Bern. Go figure! Although we missed out on seeing the bears, we had a splendid time nevertheless.