Burn baby, Bern

On Friday we took a little trip to the capital, Bern.

Mainly because I wanted to watch The Fault in Our Stars and for some reason they’re only showing the movie in the German regions of Switzerland.

For those of you who haven’t read the book or watched the movie, I highly suggest you do. John Green is a top notch YA author and the story itself is so beautifully written as is most of his novels!

Anyway, we walked around Bern for the rest of the day and saw a lot of people swimming in the river which is SUPER CRYSTAL CLEAR. The stream was so fast though. I so badly wanted to go swimming but I’d probably be swept away by the current (I’m not the best swimmer out there). There was also a guy who was surfing against the current and doing some sick tricks!

In German, Bern means bear, and apparently there are bears in Bern. Go figure! Although we missed out on seeing the bears, we had a splendid time nevertheless.

Recently it’s been super hot in Switzerland and I don’t know if it’s just me, but I’m noticing that my skin is significantly darker now 🙁 No bueno! I should probably invest in some sunscreen but I’ve never been a big fan of slip-slop-slapping.

The above photo is me climbing stairs. Stairs are by far my biggest weakness. Climbing up steep inclines is the bane of my existence. YOU WILL SEE IN MY NEXT BLOG when I hiked up a freaking 1,500 meter mountain.

Make sure you check back to my blog because the next one will be pretty sweet as! I have no idea how I’m going to keep up with my blogging this summer, especially when my parents come and we do our Euro trip! I guess I’ll just have to blog whenever I get the chance.

More later!


A glide and a hike in Interlaken, Switzerland


Visiting Madrid and Toledo, Spain