The Black Forest: Exploring Germany’s magical nature

A few weekends ago, I went on a little trip with some of my #Swissters to The Black Forest in Germany.

We stayed in a place called Gernsbach and took little day trips to nearby towns in the Black Forest including Baden-Baden, Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Seebrugg and St. Blasien.

It was a really nice trip and we met so many friendly Germans while we were there. They really went out of their way to help us find the right bus and get to our apartment. I also had my very first spa experience at Baden-Baden and I’m definitely going to be in search for more in the future 😀 It’s pretty surreal being in a hot spa outdoors with the stars above you.

Anyway, I don’t really have much else to say except that this week has been/is going to be so hectic because I’m moving out of my apartment in Lausanne and it’ll be the last few days of actually ‘living’ in Switzerland. I’m going to Sweden this coming Saturday and I’ll be there for a month before I fly back to Sydney. It’s so intense and pretty bittersweet to think about.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyway. I’m really tired so I’m going to end this blog post here and hopefully after I move out of my apartment and whatnot, I’ll have time to write a post about my trip to Helsinki etc.

Sorry for the crappy blog post. I promise to write a better one next time!

More later,
Leonie xo.


Hello Helsinki


Svensk snö