The Swissters Road Trip
Okay. So I’ve never been exceptional at making friends. In fact, I’m REALLY LACKING in the friend-making department. Blah blah blah, something about being socially awkward and anxious, yada yada yada. Before this year, I’d be able to count my “in real life” friends on one finger. Yes, I said one finger. That’s actually pretty sad now that I think about it… but anyway.
This year I met a handful of awesome people that- I wouldn’t exactly say “changed my life”, but definitely had an impact on it, that’s for sure. Their company often turned what would be a rather depressing day into one full of unforgettable memories and laughs. These girls, I call them my SWISSTERS. Because we’re all in Swiss together… (Get it? We’re all in Swiss together. As in, we’re all in this together… Ok, bad pun. Moving on…).

Anyway, we’ve had a lot of memories together this year and a few weekends ago we hired a car from europcar and went on a road trip through Switzerland (and Italy). We rented out an Airbnb apartment in Cadegliano-Viconago, Italy- just a few minutes from the Swiss/Italian border.
I am such an avid fan of road trips and long journeys. I think it has a little to do with my inane laziness which allows me to tolerate long periods of sitting on my ass, staring out the window and doing nothing.
We drove along lake Geneva through Sion and Brig and then crossed into Italy. There were a lot of autumn-crisped mountains in all sorts of greenish-yellowish-brownish-shades.
“They’re not green and they’re not brown,” my friend Audrey said.
“So, they’re yellow,” I retorted.
Laugh laugh laugh.
It’s one of those moments that you had to be there to appreciate the exchange of words.
Our apartment in Cadeglionininanana-Vicawhatsit (I always forget the name of this city and have to look it up) was pretty darn awesome and the perfect space for us. It was small but cozy and it had a foosball table. A foosball table is all you really need. That’s entertainment for days. I won’t even delve into the fact that I sucked at blocking every goal and proceeded to score the ball into MY OWN GOAL POST #facepalm. I’ve never been good at sports, even in the miniature form, it seems.
So after I lost several thousand rounds of foosball, we made friendship bracelets and ate pasta and chicken salad. Look how cute the bracelets are!
14 beads to represent the year 2014. (Don’t count how many beads there are on the left bracelet, I accidentally put one too many, shh. Math is also not my strong point… Gosh, am I good at anything worthwhile?!)
Anyway, the next day we continued our road trip back into Switzerland. We explored Lugano, Bellinzona, Luzern and Bern.
It’s pretty amazing how many towns you can stop at if you JUST BELIEVE and do it.
My Swissters are all amazing people and I’m glad I got to have all these amazing adventures with them this year.
^ My favourite photo coz I edited Audrey’s face into it and she’s just THE QUEEN. I lol everytime.
Vlog of the road trip:
More later.
P.S. Sorry, I went ham with editing the photos. Trying a new photoshop technique coz I wanted to try be all tumblr hipster and stuff.