Books that got me through my heartbreak
Here are some of the books (well, mostly anthologies) that have gotten me through my own heartbreak. If you’re going through something similar, I hope these reads will help you get through yours.
Books that capture the midnight sun and Sami culture
I was captivated by Sami culture because of their spiritual connection with nature. Something about their culture just resonated with me as I read further into their history. I then started reading fictional books that touched a little bit on Sami culture.
My favourite reads as a teen - Young Adult novels
I’ve read quite a number of Young Adult novels throughout my teenage years. It was my way of escaping the torment of High School. Here are a select few of my favourite young adult novels that have, until this day stuck with me.
Improve your work ethic with these 3 books
I want to share 3 books that helped whip my brain into shape and changed the way that I attack work. Maybe they’ll help to improve your work ethic too!
5 Things I learned at Catherine Deveny’s Gunnas Writing Masterclass
I went to Catherine Deveny’s Gunnas Writing Masterclass. I had read her book Use Your Words about a month prior and was completely revolutionised. Here are some things I learned.
Books on online romance and virtual relationships
I’m a big fan of stories that explore virtual romances and online dating. Here are some books on online romance, virtual relationships and the use of technology in fostering such relationships.
3 Favourite books set in Sweden
This month, I thought I’d share with you 3 of my favourite fictional books set in Sweden.
Books that will break your heart and inspire you
Books that will break your heart and inspire you. Here are 4 book recommendations.