Books that will break your heart and inspire you
Hi all! I’ve decided it would be fun to start up a little book club. I think it’d be a great way to read more books and discuss them.
In Order To Live by Yeonmi park
Genre: Memoir
I’ll start it off with the book that gave me the most feels. This memoir by North Korean defector Yeonmi Park took me on a heartbreaking journey of her life in North Korea and her escape to freedom. The way she so eloquently describes her emotions and thoughts as she grew up in an oppressed country really tug on my heartstrings.
I’m very sensitive to themes of existence, death and oblivion and there were a few chapters in this book that threw me into a state of despair. I won’t spoil the story for those of you who have yet to read it, but I can guarantee that after reading this book, you’ll feel grateful for the smallest things in life… but also helpless that there are others out there who are unfortunate enough to be born in dismal circumstances.
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
Genre: YA Fiction
Forbidden is a controversial novel that explores the limits of love between a brother and sister. It’s a taboo subject, but Tabitha writes it so beautifully. There are themes of mental illness and social hardships that really resonated with me as I followed the story of Maya and Lochan.
What really inspires me about Tabitha’s writing is that she captures the feeling of anxiety so well. It’s almost as though the words are being peeled off the page and you’re living and breathing the intense emotions
Ugly Shy Girl by Laura Dockrill
Genre: YA Fiction
Love. This. Book. I first picked up this book a few years ago as I was perusing through my local bookstore. The title of the book sold me. I felt like it was the perfect description of me – Ugly Shy Girl.
I thought I’d chuck this book into the list as I’m sure some of you may relate to the ideas that are explored in this book. It’s a short read and very comical at times. The ending is definitely not what you would expect and I think there’s a fine line between reality and imagination.
The Kindness Pact by Domonique Bertolucci
Genre: Personal Development
I’ll finish this list off with The Kindness Pact, because personal development is always welcome.
This book is almost like a step-by-step guide on how to break out from the toxic thoughts that you may have of yourself. When I read the first few pages, I couldn’t help but nod my head in agreement. I’m very hard on myself and I always look to other people in destructively zealous manner. It’s not healthy.
Whenever I feel like I’m lacking self-confidence, I always pick up this book and flick to a random page to read. It’s inspiring and pushes you to think positively about yourself… because you deserve some self-love!
So, that’s my first book recommendations for my monthly book club! Some of you have already messaged me that you’ve picked up Yeonmi Park’s ‘In Order To Live’! I really hope you enjoy reading it. It’s such a touching memoir.
Happy reading!
Leonie xo.
Happy reading!
Leonie xo.