Going interstate to Fribourg and Neuchâtel

What is sleep? #ExchangeLife

I get this ecstatic feeling when I look out the train window and see the beauty that is Switzerland. It reminds me that there’s more to this Earth than concrete slabs that house materialistic desires. Yes, that’s right- the picture perfect landscapes that we see on Tumblr really do exist, if we just take a moment to turn off our laptops and escape to the natural!

I am in love with Switzerland.

Every single day I look at the mountains and can’t believe that I’m actually here- it’s such a surreal thing to go from the mundanity of suburban life to one where you’re experiencing new things every second, discovering new quirks of a different culture and having your breath constantly stolen by the natural.

Last weekend, I went interstate to Fribourg and Neuchâtel. It was really exciting to see how these cities differed from Lausanne. They’re definitely very different and are much smaller cities, but similarly made my heart flutter and my eyes widen just as they did when I first arrived in Lausanne.

Fribourg has a gothic vibe as most of the buildings are grey with age. I remember when the girls who are on exchange in Fribourg took us out into the main city and my first view of the town literally made me exclaim, “Oh My God!” It is breathtakingly beautiful. It felt as though I was watching a scene from a movie. I really don’t think any photo will ever do it justice. There are layers upon layers of beauty; the valley scattered with quaint houses, hills upon hills, historic bridges and mountains beyond. I don’t even think my English is good enough to even describe how amazing it is.

Fribourg has a Vieille Ville (old town) which gives off a certain ‘haunted’ vibe. I’m thankful that I didn’t choose Fribourg for my exchange because I’m a bit of a pussy when it comes to scary things and I don’t think I would ever dare to wander the streets of Fribourg at night. The church bells ring several times a day which makes it even scarier.

We went to the Musée Suisse de la Marionnette (a puppet museum) which was also kind of freaky but we had a good time acting out a spontaneous puppet show.

I think one of the main things that I love about Fribourg is the intricate details that are laden around the town; along the streets and upon the buildings.

The next day we went to Neuchâtel which I think feels like a smaller version of Lausanne, minus the amount of English speakers.

Everything was closed (what with it being a Sunday) but we had some really, really, reaaaaallllyyy nice crepes and went down to Lac de Neuchâtel and took some really nice photos (I really need to figure out some new poses).

Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m so immensely exhausted. On the weekend we’re heading to Lucerne and Lugano. IT NEVER ENDS, but it’s fantastic and I’m so glad that I have the opportunity to travel to new places!

Here’s the vlog:

Until next time!


France, je t’aime! De Lyon à Paris


Let it snow, Château-d’Oex!