3 Lessons I learned in 2017 - A year in review
As with everything, there is something to be taken from the experiences we go through – even if those experiences freaking sucked and made you wish the ground beneath you would open up and swallow you hole.
The Ultimate Breakup Survival Kit
A comprehensive list of resources that helped me get through my breakup. Hopefully they’ll help you if you’re going through something similar.
Books that got me through my heartbreak
Here are some of the books (well, mostly anthologies) that have gotten me through my own heartbreak. If you’re going through something similar, I hope these reads will help you get through yours.
9 Easy ways to start being more environmentally sustainable
Here are some of the ways that I’ve begun to start living a more environmentally sustainable life. Hopefully they’ll help you on your sustainable journey too.
Improve your work ethic with these 3 books
I want to share 3 books that helped whip my brain into shape and changed the way that I attack work. Maybe they’ll help to improve your work ethic too!
5 Things I learned at Catherine Deveny’s Gunnas Writing Masterclass
I went to Catherine Deveny’s Gunnas Writing Masterclass. I had read her book Use Your Words about a month prior and was completely revolutionised. Here are some things I learned.
11 Simple ways to curb your spending habits
Curbing my spending habits has been difficult. We live in a society that depends on trade and money… so naturally every single company in the world is trying to trick us to believe that in buying a certain product, we can live a better lifestyle.
The 10-step guide to starting your personal blog
Blogging is a great way to express yourself and keep a journal of your thoughts. Here is my 10 step guide for starting your own.
8 Thoughtful gift ideas for your best friend
I’ve gotten to the point in life where I realise it’s better to give gifts that encourage self-development. Here are 8 thoughtful gifts that I think are amazing to give a friend!
31 Quotes to love yourself more and boost your confidence
Here are 31 quotes that encourage self-love and confidence that really resonated with me. I hope they’ll inspire you to love yourself more, because you deserve it!
17 Simple and effective ways to stay focused and get things done
Hands up if you’re a serial procrastinator… ✋✋✋ Did you know that the average attention span of humans has shortened from 12 seconds to just 8 seconds? Here are some simple but effective ways to stay focused and get things done.
5 Ways to get inspired when you’re stuck in a creative drought
Being creative can be hard. These days, to seek inspiration I usually turn to a couple of things. Here are 5 ways to find inspiration when you’re stuck in a creative drought:
Finding yourself, creating yourself, being assured of yourself: What living abroad will do
A lot of people say that you should travel in order to “find yourself”. Some even say that it’s not really about “finding yourself”, but more about “creating yourself”.